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400° festino of Saint Rosalia. Fireworks from above

Sunday 14 july, for the 400° rosalian anniversary, Sikalesh Cultural Association, organize a visit to the plan of the tower of the senatorial church of Saint'Antonio Abate (Via Roma 203/A) and the SS. Salvatore's Dome (Via SS. Salvatore,1) special places to admired the traditional fireworks in honor to Saint Rosalia. 

The event, take place from 11:45 pm to 1:00 am (indicative hours, until the end of the fireworks). 

The Association, follow the programme stilate from Palermo municipality for the hour of the fireworks, it's not responsabile of any retard. 

Info and reservations:

351 8170095

6,00€ (the income will be used for the restoration of the XVIII century fresco of Saina Rosalia inside the  Ss. Salvatore's Church)

Please say through the above-listeds the place where you wanted to make the visit and the number of participants. 

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